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Dr. Allan Thompson

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Our Corner of the Kingdom
Our Corner of the Kingdom
How do I “know” something is true? We pretend that word (by invoking it) settles all claims to the contrary. (“I just ‘know’ that X...
An "L" of A Life... Please visit the Immanuel Baptist website under sermon archives. The message by Dr. Thompson...
Our Corner of The Kingdom
When my oldest son was young we lived in the slightly rolling E. Texas hills covered in pine trees. We both took up golf and the perfect...
My Corner of the Kingdom
My Corner of the Kingdom—September 2019 The last six months Jana and I have wandered from doctor’s office to tests to new meds and...
From our Director...
We often call our pastors “shepherds of their flocks.” That means they are constant sentinels, always alert for potential danger lurking...

Our Corner of the Kingdom
“For we walk by faith, and not by sight” is my life verse (2 Cor. 5.7). That is the reason there are 50+ walking sticks on display in my...
From our Director
You have been officially warned; this column will likely score high on your squirm factor. No one likes their ignorance discovered, much...
Our Corner of the Kingdom
Orthodoxy is “right belief” or “right opinion.” Many of us still sing a song called the Doxology because in its four short phrases it...
Holiness and Salvation are NOT the same...
Salvation is a gift of God to all who call upon His name and confess Him as Lord (Rom. 10.9-13). We just celebrated what many call...
For Mature Readers...
(this edition for mature audiences only) This happens at some point in the life of every church and every family; you’ve seen it too many...
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