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Message From our Director of Missions: February 2016

In past columns I have written about a Paul/Timothy relationship. I am deeply committed to this biblically-based mandate to win the world to Christ in a manner that is Christ-commanded and in a way anyone can do. I may not be able to lead a multinational corporation or head up anything on a national scale, but I can invest my life in others to the point of making disciple-makers, to “teach others to teach others to teach others” (Mt. 28.18-20, 2 Tim. 2.2).

We are to be faithful to share God’s Word with all those with whom we come in contact. In the midst of teaching all come serendipitous moments which can take your breath away. Jana and I will soon experience the rewards of such a moment. In my past life in Texas I was a campus minister during the week; on Sundays when I was not out preaching I usually taught an Empty Nesters Sunday School class at my home church. One day an older gentleman not from our church waltzed into our class and asked us what could we offer him? Although the class was 30 years younger than he, they welcomed him with open arms, quickly making him feel included. He was obviously an ardent student of the Word and brought much to the class, often challenging me to study deeper and longer to be able to challenge him.

I knew he had a nice place on the lake but no idea of his financial status. This past fall he asked would Jana and I fly to the Holy Land with him and his wife if he paid our airfare and lodging and we paid tour fees and meals (by the way he’s doing the same for 26 other people on the trip). I’ve been to many places on the globe but never to Israel, and preached about that area for decades, dreaming of one day walking where my Lord walked. Our lodge will literally face the Sea of Galilee. It will be an opportunity to share the Word and lead in worship for thirty folks from around the nation. When we go this spring, I will report on it in a future column. I mention it today, however, to underscore that we should be faithful to reach out to all who inquire of our love and devotion to Christ regardless of their skin color, social status, ability, what they can contribute, or in this case, their age. Christ commands us to make disciples, to simply share with others what we have learned along life’s way about following Him and to invest ourselves in those who respond. (for a great example of this see the recent motion picture “Risen”). It doesn’t have to be complex; simple can often be also profound in its results. The secret is not in the format, it’s in the doing of it. The greatest schematics for evangelism and ministry are useless unless they can be implemented and replicated. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MISSION TO MIAMI (M2M)---Due to inclement weather we had to cancel two interest meetings in Jan. & Feb. The last interest meeting (when we will decide if we have enough folks to go) will be Monday, March 14, 7pm in the MSBA office. All who have interest in going need to be present. Also due to the weather we will extend the deadline for an initial deposit to March 14. For further information please email or text Allan at 903-742-1616.

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